Module:LuaCall: Difference between revisions

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You still haven't explained how p.import is within the scope of this module, more complex debugging example
Line 117: Line 117:
-- call
-- call
-- This function is usually useful for debugging template parameters.
-- Example:
-- Example:
--    {{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.log|a|1|2|3}} will return results of mw.log('a', 1, 2, 3)
--    {{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.log|a|1|2|3}} will return results of mw.log('a', 1, 2, 3)
--    {{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.logObject|a|321}} will return results of mw.logObject('a', 321)
--    {{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.logObject|a|321}} will return results of mw.logObject('a', 321)
-- This example show the debugging to see which Unicode characters are allowed in template parameters,
--    {{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.codepoint|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.char|0x0061}}}} return 97
--    {{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.codepoint|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.char|0x0000}}}} return 65533
--    {{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.codepoint|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.char|0x0001}}}} return 65533
--    {{#invoke:LuaCall|call|string.format|0x%04x|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.codepoint|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.char|0x0002}}}}}} return 0xfffd
--    {{#invoke:LuaCall|call|string.format|0x%04x|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.codepoint|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.char|0x007e}}}}}} return 0x007e
--    {{#invoke:LuaCall|call|string.format|0x%04x|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.codepoint|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.char|0x007f}}}}}} return 0x007f
--    {{#invoke:LuaCall|call|string.format|0x%04x|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.codepoint|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.char|0x0080}}}}}} return 0x0080
--    {{#invoke:LuaCall|call|string.format|0x%04x|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.codepoint|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.char|0x00a0}}}}}} return 0x00a0

Revision as of 13:35, 11 March 2019

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:LuaCall/doc

local p={}

function p.main(frame)
    local parent=frame.getParent(frame) or {}
    local reserved_value={}
    local reserved_function,reserved_contents
    for k,v in pairs(parent.args or {}) do
        --if tonumber(v) then v=tonumber(v) end
        _G[k]=tonumber(v) or v -- transfer every parameter directly to the global variable table
        -- debuglog=debuglog..k.."="..v.."</nowiki><br /><nowiki>"
    for k,v in pairs(frame.args or {}) do
        --if tonumber(v) then v=tonumber(v) end       
        _G[k]=tonumber(v) or v -- transfer every parameter directly to the global variable table
     --- Alas Scribunto does NOT implement coroutines, according to
     --- this will not stop us from trying to implement one single lousy function call
    if _G[1] then
    if reserved_contents then
        local reserved_counter=0
        until not reserved_contents
    local reserved_arraypart=_G
    while mw.ustring.match(reserved_function,"%.") do
    local reserved_call=reserved_arraypart[reserved_function]
    if type(reserved_call)~="function" then
        return tostring(reserved_call)
    elseif reserved_debug or not reserved_function then return mw.text.nowiki(debuglog)
    else reserved_output={reserved_call(unpack(reserved_value))}
        return reserved_output[reserved_return or 1]

local function tonumberOrString(v)
	return tonumber(v) or v:gsub("^\\", "", 1)

local function tonumberOrStringOnPairs(f, s, i)
	local args = {}
	for _, v in f, s, i do
		--table.insert(args, tonumber(v) or v:gsub("^\\", "", 1))
		table.insert(args, tonumberOrString(v))
	return args

-- ipairsAt()/ipairsAtOffset() will be proposed to be placed in [[Module:TableTools]]
-- ipairsAt
-- This is an iterator for arrays. It can be used like ipairs, but with
-- specified i as first index to iterate.
--    for i,v in p.ipairsAt(t, 3) do body end
-- will iterate over the pairs (3,t[3]),(4,t[4]),..., up to the first
-- integer key absent from the table.
-- Note: The following is an example to do range iteration from 3 to j
--    for i,v in p.ipairsAt(t, 3) do if i>j then break end; body end
local function ipairsAt(t, i)
	--return ipairsAtOffset(t, i-1)
	-- This may be less overhead than return ipairsAtOffset() above
	local f, s, i0 = ipairs(t)
	return f, s, i0+i-1

-- ipairsAtOffset
-- Like ipairsAt(), except that it treat argument i as offset from 1
local function ipairsAtOffset(t, i)
	local f, s, i0 = ipairs(t)
	return f, s, i0+i

local function iIteratorsAtOffset(t, i)
	local f, s, i0 = ipairs(t)
	return function (s, i)
		local i, v = f(s, i); return v
	end, s, i0+i

-- like ipairs() except that it return only value, rather than key/value pair
-- on each iteration
local function iIterators(t) return iIteratorsAtOffset(t, 0) end

local function get(s)
	local G = _G; for _ in mw.text.gsplit(
		mw.text.trim(s, '%s'), '%s*%.%s*'
	) do
		G = G[_]
	return G

-- call
-- This function is usually useful for debugging template parameters.
-- Example:
--    {{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.log|a|1|2|3}} will return results of mw.log('a', 1, 2, 3)
--    {{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.logObject|a|321}} will return results of mw.logObject('a', 321)
-- This example show the debugging to see which Unicode characters are allowed in template parameters,
--    {{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.codepoint|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.char|0x0061}}}} return 97
--    {{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.codepoint|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.char|0x0000}}}} return 65533
--    {{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.codepoint|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.char|0x0001}}}} return 65533
--    {{#invoke:LuaCall|call|string.format|0x%04x|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.codepoint|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.char|0x0002}}}}}} return 0xfffd
--    {{#invoke:LuaCall|call|string.format|0x%04x|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.codepoint|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.char|0x007e}}}}}} return 0x007e
--    {{#invoke:LuaCall|call|string.format|0x%04x|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.codepoint|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.char|0x007f}}}}}} return 0x007f
--    {{#invoke:LuaCall|call|string.format|0x%04x|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.codepoint|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.char|0x0080}}}}}} return 0x0080
--    {{#invoke:LuaCall|call|string.format|0x%04x|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.codepoint|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.char|0x00a0}}}}}} return 0x00a0
	--local f = mw.text.trim(frame.args[1], '%s')
	--local args = {}
	--for _, v in ipairsAtOffset(frame.args, 1) do
	--	--table.insert(args, tonumber(v) or v:gsub("^\\", "", 1))
	--	table.insert(args, tonumberOrString(v))
	local args = tonumberOrStringOnPairs(ipairsAtOffset(frame.args, 1))
	--local G = _G
	--for _ in mw.text.gsplit(
	--	mw.text.trim(frame.args[1], '%s'), '%s*%.%s*'
	--) do
	--	G = G[_]
	return (get(frame.args[1])(unpack(args)))

--local TableTools = require('Module:TableTools')
-- get
-- Example:
--    {{#invoke:LuaCall|get| math.pi }} will return value of math.pi
--    {{#invoke:LuaCall|get|math|pi}} will return value of math.pi
--    {{#invoke:LuaCall|get| math |pi}} will return value of _G[' math '].pi
--    {{#invoke:LuaCall|get|_G| math.pi }} will return value of _G[' math.pi ']
--    {{#invoke:LuaCall|get|obj.a.5.c}} will return value of obj.a['5'].c
--    {{#invoke:LuaCall|get|obj|a|5|c}} will return value of obj.a[5].c
--    {{#invoke:LuaCall|get}} will return value of _G
function p.get(frame)
	-- #frame.args always return 0, regardless of number of unnamed
	-- template parameters, so use length() instead
	--if TableTools.length(frame.args) == 1 then
	-- TableTools.length() could be more expensive as it iterate to the
	-- full length of the array
	if frame.args[1] ~= nil and frame.args[2] == nil then
		-- not do tonumber() for this args style,
		-- always treat it as string,
		-- so 'obj.1' will mean obj['1'] rather obj[1]
		--local G = _G; for _ in mw.text.gsplit(
		--	mw.text.trim(frame.args[1], '%s'), '%s*%.%s*'
		--) do
		--	G = G[_]
		--return G
		return get(frame.args[1])
		--local args = {}
		local G = _G
		for _, v in ipairs(frame.args) do
			--table.insert(args, tonumber(v) or v:gsub("^\\", "", 1))
			--G = G[tonumber(v) or v:gsub("^\\", "", 1)]
			G = G[tonumberOrString(v)]
		--local G = _G; for _, v in ipairs(args) do
		--	G = G[v]
		return G

return p