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Translate to Kwéyòl Sent Lisi

Translation of the wiki page User:EPIC from English (en) to Kwéyòl Sent Lisi (acf)

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{{userboxtop}} {{user sv}} {{user en-4}} {{User administrator}} {{User bureaucrat}} {{User non-steward suppressor}} {{userboxbottom}} Hello there, I am EPIC.
{{userboxtop}} {{user sv}} {{user en-4}} {{User administrator}} {{User bureaucrat}} {{User non-steward suppressor}} {{userboxbottom}} Hello there, I am EPIC.
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On Test Wiki, I'm a [[Test Wiki:suppressors|suppressor]], which means I have the ability to hide revisions from public view, also from normal administrators. If you want to request something to be suppressed, please request that privately (either on email, or on Discord, where I check pings regularly), and not here publicly. I am also an admin and crat.
I am mainly active on the Wikimedia projects under the same username, and there I serve as a steward globally as well as an administrator on two other projects.
I also own the account {{user|EPICtest}}, which I will use for some testing every now and then.
If you have any questions or complaints, feel free to come visit [[User talk:EPIC|my talk page]].
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