User talk:Villalaso

From Test Wiki
Revision as of 06:02, 24 May 2021 by LocoSalas (talk | contribs) (Permission request: new section)

Latest comment: 24 May 2021 by LocoSalas in topic Permission request
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Welcome to the Test Wiki!
We're glad to have you here, Villalaso! The Test Wiki is a giant wiki which anyone including you can contribute to and edit. With 67 articles, 4,596 users, 26 active users, 62,107 edits and 34 files, the Test Wiki has been thriving!

Make sure to always assume good faith.

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If you would like to test Administrator/Bureaucrat tools, please make a request for permission!

Do you have any questions? Don't hesitate to inquire on the community portal!

We hope you'll make great edits!

Permission request

Se requiere tu atención en el tablón de solicitud de permisos, pues debes aceptar las condiciones y especificar los permisos que solicitas. Al ser antiguo admin puedes solicitar administrator y bureaucrat al mismo tiempo. Saludos. LOCO 🔥 06:02, 24 May 2021 (UTC)Reply