Test Wiki:Stewards

Stewards are users with advanced access to restricted tools on the wiki. These include:
- The ability to view IP addresses of user accounts (Commonly referred to as CheckUser)
- The ability to hide content from administrators (Commonly referred to as suppression/oversight)
- The ability to rename an account
- The ability to manage OAuth consumers
Aktuelle Stewards
Username |
MacFan4000 (email | talk) |
Dmehus (email | talk) |
Drummingman (email | talk) |
Justarandomamerican (email | talk) |
Steward werden
To become a steward you must meet the following requirements:
- Be active on the wiki
- Be an administrator and bureaucrat
In addition to meeting the above requirements, you must also pass a vote on the Community portal
Stewards, die ein Jahr inaktiv sind, werden die Rechte entzogen. Dieser Benutzer hat die Möglichkeit, die Rechte innerhalb von einer Stunde zurückzuerhalten.