Test Wiki:用户名政策

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创建账号时,一位 Test Wiki 用户 必须选择一个代表他们的用户名。该用户名必须:

  • 代表个人(不可暗示是共享账户)
  • 不以 -bot 结尾(除非监管员行政员批准机器人账户)
  • 不包含用户权限名
  • 不含有侮辱或淫秽词汇
  • 不包含 推广、迷惑(乱语或于其他用户相似)、误导 内容
  • 不包含任何非公开的个人隐私信息



Some examples of what would not be allowed are:

  1. Name not representative of an individual: "Mary&Dan", "Walmart", etc.
  2. -bot suffix usernames: "Translate Bot", "Archive Bot", etc.
  3. User right names: "Administrator", "Bureaucrat", "Steward", etc.
  4. Offensive names: "FUCK TEST WIKI", "FUCK STEWARDS", etc.
  5. Promotional, confusing, or misleading usernames: "Bob's lawncare", "bobslawns.xyz", "hsiikallxno", "Justarandomämerican", etc.
  6. Name containing identifiable information: "I live at XYZ street", "My real name is ABC", etc.