Test Wiki:Administradores de interfaz
Administrador de interfaz es un grupo de usuario que permite editar todos los páginas de CSS, JSON, JavaScript y del interfaz.
Desde el 21 de junio 2020, por razones de seguridad, solo los stewards puede conceder y revocar los derechos (ve Special:ListGroupRights). Antes, este grupo podía ser probado - todos los burócratas pueden concederlo.
Si necesitas actualizar páginas de CSS/JS, puedes solicitar el derecho en la página del RFP, pero estará sujeto a una revisión de seguridad por los stewards.
Interface administrators rights are only granted if it has been demonstrated that the user is able to work with CSS and/or JavaScript. This is also possible if it can be verified that the user has interface administrator permissions in non-test projects.
Note: This must not be used as merely a 'badge', but must be used regularly. Stewards will conduct periodic reviews of non-Steward users contributions to assess both their level of usage and the usage of the permission itself to determine whether it's needed currently.
Esto es uno de los seis grupos de usuarios predeterminados de MediaWiki, ve mw:Help:User rights and groups.
El logo de los administradores de interfaz.
Lista de administradores de interfaz
Hay actualmente 10 administradores de interfaz en Test Wiki.
There are currently 10 interface administrators on Test Wiki.
- Bhairava7 talk contribs (blocked)
- Dmehus talk contribs
- DodoMan talk contribs
- Justarandomamerican talk contribs
- LisafBia talk contribs
- MacFan4000 talk contribs
- Sav talk contribs
- TheAstorPastor talk contribs
- X talk contribs
- Zippybonzo talk contribs
User groups | |
Default | Implicit: (all) • Users • Autoconfirmed users Bots • Administrators • Bureaucrats • Suppressors • Interface administrators |
Granted/revoked by | |
Administrators | Autochecked users • Autopatrolled users • Chat moderators • Confirmed users • Patrollers • Reviewers • Translation administrators • Users blocked from chat |
Bureaucrats | Bots • Interwiki administrators • Administrators • Bureaucrats |
Stewards | Abuse filter administrators • Administrators • Bureaucrats • Suppressors • Interface administrators • Checkusers • Stewards |
System administrators | All groups above plus System administrators and Push subscription managers |